WORLD games

We have to recognize when we are amongst greatness. We ought to realize if God allows you to be around prominence, your time is near. I had the privilege of being around the most distinguished athletes of all-time at the Pan American Games. I got a chance to see and observe Anderson Peters of Grenada and Priscilla Frederick of Antigua. Anderson Peters won the Pan American Games of 2019. He also won the World Games of 2019 in Doha and will soon be going to Tokyo. I am in awe at the fact that I was able to witness such prestige. I appreciate athletes' discipline and hard work at competitions.

It’s always great to look up to players like Serena Williams or Roger Federer. However, it’s even more amazing when you get a chance to interact with professionals. You get first-class tickets to witness the greats head-on. I’ve noticed the prominent athletes are a tad bit arrogant, but some say it's an on-court attitude. Some also say they are a lot different in person. I’m just here to absorb as much information as I can to improve. I’m thankful that God placed me with such esteemed people in my path.

I’m not trying to be the best tennis player in the world. If I get there, Amen and that would be great, but ultimately I’m trying to be the greatest Akilah James ever lived. It's so easy to be a clone, but I want to be authentic. I have moments where I want to stop and pack it up because of my circumstance, but that little slip of giving up is critical. There is no space to have a wavering mind. We might have thoughts of giving up but cast down those thoughts. Reflections are living proof of people succeeding or not. Every action started with consideration.

I am not here to compete with other people. I am here to challenge myself and become the best me. This is a rebirth of Akilah James. There are always going to be distractions. But, I ALWAYS HAVE A CHANCE.

2019 is almost finished. I still have a few months to complete strong. Let's start the year 2020 on a great note. I am excited about the future. My opportunity is now. There’s a reason I’m still in tennis.

Note to reader:

Be the best you.

Commit to changing your life.

No more vacation time in the brain.

Get to work and understand your moment is now.

It’s not too late.

Start before you get replaced!
